The Cool Dude Character Contest is a way to submit characters with a chance of them appearing in the final game as NPCs.

Please read up on the rules and info as those will help you out and make it more likely that your character will be added.


These rules are the basic guidelines to have a submission quality for consideration, read these so you know what not to do.

After reading these rules it is suggested that you read the Examples page and Additional Info page for further details regarding how submissions should look and basic info for the world of RadVille and how it works.

  • Be original and try to make sure the character fits RadVille and its world. (ex: no recolors/edits of an existing character)

  • You may do as many submissions as you want but it would be best to have only a few. (1-5)

  • OCs that have already existed have a lower chance of being added, try to mainly do completely new characters for this contest.

  • With your character you must provide your Roblox Username, a basic idea of where you want the character to be, their name and an image of them. If you want them to be modeled instead of the image/drawing you created then tell that as well. There is a good chance afterwards I will also ask about their Dialogue and such.

  • Characters can range from anything from 3d models, drawings or pictures of real life things edited together. But make sure they still fit the theme.

  • Once you have your character created, please contact me (Draggyy) through twitter DM, Discord, or post your character on the thread in which this site was linked.

  • If you have also had a character submitted in the old version of RadVille that was added into the game then you are also allowed to Remake/Update them for this new version, just ask me about it.


Here are a few examples of how a submission should look using some of RadVille's current residents.

Cool Dude

Cool Dude should be near the entrance, he will only stand there and talk to the player.

Created by Draggyy.

Pizza Saucer

Created by Draggyy.

Pizza Saucer is should have his own building, his pizza place with him behind the counter floating with a simple animation.

His building should be behind the central statue near the edge of town.

Dialogue Example: "Hi I'm Pizza Saucer! I am Cool Dude's best friend"

"Many people come here for my tasty pizza, if you ever want some
then be sure to order!"

Tent Man

Created by Draggyy.

Tent Man is a mysterious character that should be around a less populated corner of the town or in the outskirts.

He is quiet and "knows" about what is happening around the town.

Tent Man should be stationary but the player can talk to them.

He should also be a 3D Model instead of my concept drawing.

These are just a few simple examples of what a submission should look like, an actual submission should probably be a little more complex then this.

But this should give a basic idea on how a submission should be structured. (I might also ask for other assets such as Chat Icons or Dialogue if you never specified any)


This section is to give a basic summary of the world of RadVille and my inspirations for the aethstetic.
Knowing this info should help with making a character fit a lot more with the world and not feel out of place.


RadVille's aethstetics are a mish-mash of multiple things. The main vibe I am going for is a shoddy edutainment game on an old gaming console with hints of stuff similar to ENA or LSD Dream Emulator.
There is weirdcore vibes but most characters are either drawings of simple characters or characters made with basic shapes and such like Cool Dude.

I am hoping to balance a mix of somewhat normal characters while also having weird and wacky characters that are out there in design and personality.

Think a mixture of Baldi's Basics, ENA, and LSD Dream Emulator into one very weird mess.

Basic World/Plot

In the world of RadVille, there are 3 gods that together created the world that RadVille exists within.

(very old models, designs will be changed)

There is Terram, the God of the Earth.
After him is Obstructis, the Goddess of Life.
Last but not least is Nevermore, the God of Chaos.

These 3 are seen as religious figures and are usually the gods being worshipped in religions (or one specifically is worshipped)

There are 3 "factions" that life in this world falls under.
Those factions being each of the 3 gods.

Obstructis creates the majority of life, but her creatures are very geometric and simple. (The Shape Men, Cool dude, etc.)

Terram and Nevermore's life are much more complex looking and are usually around the same but have small differences (basically anything that isn't a shape man or geometric looking character)

But far beyond RadVille is a sprawling world of many kinds of biomes, civilizations, etc.

Shape Men are considered the lowest form of life, they are mindless unless given a task by someone of higher power. But the more complex their shapes are the smarter they get. This is how Cool Dude can speak and do many other things but normal Shape Men can not.

Cool Dude over the years built his town from scratch. He once lived in a neighborhood with his childhood friend Rad Gal. They over time got closer and closer and eventually married.

Once his town was made many people would flock there to seek refuge from the many usually harsh enviroments outside of town. It's been getting dangerous recently to be out and about alone.


The Overseer is the main antagonist of RadVille and the cause of everything going wrong.

He is a manifestation of negativity and thrives off of consuming the emotions of others. Those who become too lost will become Corrupted.

Corruption is a residue left behind if Overseer's influence has been prolonged in one area. Think of it as a fungus slowly growing it's roots and spreading across a vast area.

Corruption itself visually looks like black thick goop or a dreary mist.

Because of the Overseer's influence becoming a constant in RadVille it has started to rub off slightly on the townsfolk, including Cool Dude himself.

The symptoms of this usually results in an eventual breakdown or a constant state of feeling off/watched.

It has also caused wildlife to be much more dangerous and entirely new threats such as monsters to appear in the nearby wilderness.
This is why characters in the Pond would talk about staying around the pond and to not wander off into the forest.

But no one in the town actually understands what is happening. Just that stuff feels off.

Some would probably talk about seeing "something" but wouldn't know or what The Overseer is.

There is a chance some characters know what the Overseer is but they would keep very quiet about it, as to not be noticed.

"Incident" and Other Details

Here are some misc details related to the town's history to help with dialogue if a Character you create will talk about Cool Dude or about the town.

The Incident is the day that Rad Gal became corrupted.
Most town folk saw nothing other then at sundown suddenly Holly (The Nurse) got a call, suddenly looked panicked, then ran into the forest, and then a few hours later she and Cool Dude walked out of the forest with Cool Dude looking traumatized.

From that point onward Cool Dude would occasionally have "moments" where his happy optimisitic attitude would be replaced with tense, serious and quiet attitude where he feels off.
Although it is rare for a moment to happen some townsfolk have witnessed Cool Dude during these and
wonder what happened that day.
No one has seen Rad Gal since that day as well.

Most people in RadVille are very friendly but because of the recent happenings it has also attracted a crowd of weird characters either from the influence of the Overseer or other reasons.

If your character is someone coming to RadVille from the outskirts you are allowed to make up where they came from and all that stuff, I'd probably accept it as just something that exists in the world as long as it's not too out there.

Most of the world of RadVille is wilderness but there are cities and such scattered around, RadVille should be considered an oasis in a desert. It's basically in the middle of nowhere in a large opening of grassland.

While Terram and Nevermore's forms of life are usually the same Terram's life is usually more on the humanoid side with his organisms being beastly characters like animals, flowers/plants, etc. Nevermore's forms of life are usually avian in nature (especially ravens/crows) or Very Very weird and chaotic (very abstract or surreal)

If you have any questions regarding rules or questions about the world of RadVille then don't be afraid to ask me as well!

Below is concept art I made for my basic plans of RadVille's new layout, use this to help place your characters if you have a specific idea on where you want them.